Erotic stories , sensual companionship and massage in chicago .Tantra chicago. Erotik Marina's stories, Erotik marina reviews .
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Another sunny ,crisp autumn day in sexy land.....
Most places were jumping and fun and if not,we finished our drinks and moved on.I wish I could get a pic of us last night,we were quite the eclectic group! One girl dressed as a pretty pony,with a bra over her triple D's,lol,another as a slutty witch with a blinged up broomstick,I was a sexy sailor in port for the night with my double D's spilling nearly all the way out of my top and my now ass length blonde hair grazing my back side ,my victoria secrets thigh high boots and finally we had a Pam Anderson,with her red latex body suit and heels,haha. Too much fun! So if you saw us out,dancing in the streets,yep that was me in the center of that crazy hot pack!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Demystifying the Yoni Worship (Tantra Yoni Massage)
One way being,there is no end to discovering the pleasure of your lover..meaning , to me , that each time that you share an encounter together , that it builds upon the last and becomes more intense and intimate . That is really a powerful experience for most and also why I keep my most intimate encounters to a very few , lucky individuals . I smile and wink as I write that last sentence..
Now I will try to give some basic teaching on a yoni massage and unfortunately , the very best video that I located at one point I did not bookmark , but my favorite is amazing , the downside being ,it's just quite lengthy...Yoni massage teaching video :Email me for the link,it is not allowed here for some reason,sorry fellas (and ladies!). It's very educational and HOT!!
On the physical level, the Yoni massage starts with massaging other erogenous zones, including the breasts, behind the knees, abdomen, and the thighs. Aromatic oils should be used as well and poured directly over the Yoni at the beginning and during the session.
The Yoni massage is one of the most satisfying experiences not only for a woman, but for her partner as well and is also an ancient lovemaking art that could transform men from good lovers to amazing ones.
Friday, September 27, 2013
New exciting duos,whew!
Firstly,there were odd circumstances that introduced Peyton to myself,lol. I should thank the obsessed provider (mine and other blonde femme fatales' online stalker) that brought about our introduction . In fact , a couple of ladies came to be known by me because of this silly situation. Secondly , Peyton and I are bizarrely similar in build , looks and temperament . We also nearly share the same birthdate. And have started finishing each other's sentences,so it was a natural following that we should offer duos and would find it interesting to even offer a "twins" fantasy date for a lucky few..
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I am authentic!

This seal comes from the folks at They started offering these to ladies that they have had some proof of their legitimacy. Since,they have met me at various events,they have my government issued id (driver's license) on file , a pic of me holding the word "eros" and the date taken by my phone,I think that I have passed that in
Alrighty,I've been too busy to write sexy thoughts ,but I've kept you waiting long enough I'm sure...and I do soooo love to tease and titillate as you may have guessed.
So I've been kicking around some sexy offerings,I like to keep you stimulated in more than one way and I've come up with a couple of ideas..
Sunday, July 7, 2013
So onward an a sense.. ;}
So anyway, I met this particular gentleman via email and he had sent me photos of himself along with his verification(so that I may recognize him ,as he newly moved to our country and had few references). We emailed a bit back and forth and I was really tickled by his twist on english . He came across as very cute and sweet and I became very intrigued to meet him. He asked me to pick a restaurant for dinner and libations before our dessert (you know what that means,come on,haha). So I chose one I thought he may enjoy ,it has a flair reminiscent of his country.
I arrived before him and awaited him on the patio near the water and it really was an absolutely lovely summer evening. I was dressed in a turquoise colored , sexy , but not over the top , tank style dress ,that hugged my God given curves~have I thanked You lately for them,by the way ,I do here!? With platinum colored heels and accessories , I was feeling pretty darn sexy if I do say so..and every head turning my way as I glide through the restaurant confirmed that I chose my outfit well. The server arrives and I nervously place an order for a double martini. I do always get nervous,yes, before meeting someone new.
After an email telling me that he had valeted, I smooth the bottom of my skirt for any wrinkles , get to the edge of my chair to be ready to pop up and start peering towards the entrance,trying terribly hard not to be too obvious..And in, he does arrive...oh my God..he is a giant of a man , nearly bursting out of his clothes! He told me he was large , but pictures only tell so much. And by big, I mean thick and muscular. Wow!!Now ,not to brag I have seen my fair share of professional sports players as a massage therapist. This guy rivaled some of the larger Bears players,wowsa. I am a curious lass,so as he sits down and starts to nervously ramble (so cute to me,by the way), I had to touch his leg to see just how firm he rally was. So I did so when I asked if he'd like a cocktail. Hmm,slick I am,hehe. Oh shoot! I have a date ,but I promise to return to finish this hopefully this evening.It's a very good story filled with sex and intrigue..well at least,some naughtiness..:) XO
Ok ,so on an usually quiet monday for me , I can finally finish this story....
I touch Mr. Big's thigh lightly and it's akin to a marble column(holy crap!),I'm excited and frightened a little at the same time . This guy is really big..giggling . We have a couple of cocktails and appetizers , relishing each other's company ,occasional touches and lusty glances and obvious chemistry , so I suggest we head back to my place for our dessert time..meow.
He is intrigued that I drive a scooter and I offered to drive him on the back the couple of blocks to my studio. He reluctantly agreed ,but I think it turned him on to have me in control. He gets on and my little bike groans a bit and we make our way back with him stroking and caressing my body the whole way (wowsa,so hot!). I'm driving with a huge grin on my face as his wandering hands feel great and I'm thankful no bugs flew into my mouth , lol. We enter and freshen up in the restroom and repose on the sofa where we hungrily start exploring one another with hands , mouths , tongues ,etc. it is getting really hot and we without words , just start stripping off our clothes. His mouth is on my breast , my neck , nibbling my ear..(oh no , don't swallow my earring !0 I'm straddling his lap and with one fell swoop he produces a cover from seemingly thin air and on I go!! The night pretty much continues with an intense pace of position changes, mouths sucking ,licking , his occasional growls..yes he was growling~(he did ask if I , of course not)!! Until we were finally spent , laying like two puddles with legs intertwined , catching our breath or more like gasping for air..I finally get enough energy to get two preheated towels and a large bottle of water as we both realized how late it actually was , lol. ( I don't have a clock in my fun room). So , reluctantly and slowly we start to put ourselves together again and promise to see other very soon...mmmm , I know it is a night we will not soon forget . Dang this story makes me horny again!! xoxox
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
And yes , I do tear up when I have my hand over my heart singing that song~every time.....xoxox M
Saturday, June 29, 2013
I waited a long time to ride again for a few reasons....Chicago drivers and did I mention Chicago drivers,lol. Already a taxi tried to squeeze me off a bridge , yikes ! But I grew up riding since I was a wee little girl (written with a scottish accent) so I managed to maintain my cool and my safety. My dad loved motorcycles ~actually , anything motorized~and had one for each of us and then some. Come to think of it,I don't recall where he stored all of them , haha. No matter ! So after many non returned phone calls , countless poring over of ads and finally enlisting help from friends , it arrived and was so pretty , I gasped!! In fact I squealed and clapped my hands with pure delight. :) I actually ordered a pair of them as my very dear friend had found 2 little beauties from the same seller. So I surprised her and bought her one as well. Now standing at the side of this pick up were two grown women with shit eating grins squealing and jumping and clapping. The seller and his friend laughed hard at us . We didn't care...
After some quick go overs on the bikes and title signing , they were ours !! Omg! And so fast !! I jumped on mine , spun the throttle and my feet nearly flew off the foot rests...holy crap , we better practice on these, Paige! So we rode around Wicker Park side streets and messed around , braking , turning , etc. You see , my girl Paige had a beautiful Vespa that somebody borrowed , crashed and left at the crash friend was devastated and not able to foot the extensive repair bill and subsequent multiple parking tickets that ensued. I really did hate to see her so blue. I love giving , it truly is priceless to see someone smile like that !
Alright , so I'm speeding down the road and lo and behold , this thing really is a vibrating machine , ahem , if you catch my drift...woah, I need a cold shower , I'm heading out to eat with friends, I can't arrive all juicy..