I am proud to be certified as a tantric professional by the fine advertisers at Slixa !
I will expound soon on the various types of tantra that I practice with you very special and lucky man ! xox
https://rb.gy/petrdi Erotic stories , sensual companionship and massage in chicago .Tantra chicago. Erotik Marina's stories, Erotik marina reviews .
So whether you are single , in a relationship or married , the best gift for a happy Valentine’s Day seems to be this .
Give to each other with open hearts ! http://goo.gl/0qSbTa
If that doesn't work for you , I invite you to spend some of this day with me !
I'll figure it out for the two of us...
Why in the heck would I write about this in my blog ?
I know , it's not very sexy or essential to fun escapades with me . Or is it ? I have several friends that are very interested in astrology , which is initially how I first heard of Mercury in retrograde or mir , as it is commonly called in those circles . Since I prefer to occasionally lean towards the science side of life and what not , I researched a bit online ( I did a quick google search , I'll be honest ) and found references to it in the Farmer's Almanac .
What I found did surprise me as I have more than experienced many of the manifestations believed to be as a result of this "planetary shift" . I quote here and perhaps you may have noticed some or maybe all of these in abundance the last 2.5 weeks or so ,lol.
"The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and such. So, when Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible, allow time for extra travel, and avoid signing contracts. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions.
About a week or two before Mercury retrogrades, finish any tasks or projects at hand. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have back-up plans, and be prepared for angrier people and miscommunication."
Particularly strange email communications and angrier ones at that , have been my burden to bear !
Haha , so if this has been your experiences of late , be encouraged .
This solar anomaly will be returning back to it's "normal" as of October 9 (tomorrow) . And we can all skip together in harmony once again .
Lustfully yours xoxox
When he shared that I was very happy to hear that I passed inspection and felt extremely flattered that he went through so much hassle to get me a cocktail ...thank you!!!.. warm fuzzies.. :D
I do hear on occasion that men have had horrible bait and switch encounters with providers or old pics or very air-brushed likenesses , that were not likenesses at all.. It thrills me to no end that my usual response is positive as I do go through lengthy measures to reassure my potential clients that I am who I say I am and that you should at the very least have a pretty great time in my care and company .
Also he was secretly assessing my tantra know-how as he had had numerous tantric experiences and many of them legit . Yay! That doesn't frighten me whatsoever as I am extremely confident in my skills , passion and training . And I have an abundant arsenal of moves that seem to be unique to me . I take tantra very seriously and passionately and am completely delighted when I can delight you. But even beyond that , help you to venture into a completely new and body trembling experience over and over again!
P.S. Next he did comment on some of my past blog posts that he felt came across snarky/bitchy and that really , truly made me sad , but I am very grateful for his feedback. I am very kind and sweet to every person that comes through my door and you will unlikely find anyone to say anything different . I probably can remove the "good client" posts and others like it as only "good clients " or potential good clients read them and I do not want to give an incorrect impression.
1. Take the time to obtain relief from your stressors , career , home , whatever they may be and scheduling regular body massages . The relaxation benefit is not just tremendously benficial overall physically and emotionally , it is goes even deeper than many of you are aware .For instance, the release of pleasure chemicals in the brain , seratonin , endorphins , dopamine and oxytocin , improved circulation and oxygenation of your red blood cells all have a positive impact on your sexual organs as well !
This 'relaxation response' significantly decreases the effects of stress and reduces the risks associated with stress which could be sexual dysfunction , hypertension , heart arrhythmias , anxiety, insomnia , persistent fatigue , digestive disorders and some psychological issues- just to name a few ! All this with a massage !
2.Which also brings me to the next point , simple exercise. Many men will walk all over God's green earth in order to boost their sexual performance and enhance their sex life . Luckily men , that is often all you have to do ....Walk , not necessarily run 20-30 minutes , optimally up to 2 miles a day . Work on doing this for yourself 3-5 times weekly.
This , plus other simple , healthier lifestyle practices can help also overweight men reduce their risk , or even “reverse” current symptoms , according to a study done in 2005.
Since maintaining a trim waistline is a good defense for ED, as men with a 42-inch waist are 50 percent more likely to have ED than those with a 32-inch waist. Getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it is a just one good strategy for preventing and treating ED.
3. Also , Move Your Nether Regions
The phrase 'use it before you lose it' can be applied here. Pelvic exercises , more commonly known as kegel exercises, are used to promote urinary continence as well as optimum sexual health. These simple exercises help to strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle,(try saying that 3 times quickly) which does three things: allows the penis to engorge with blood during erection, pumps during ejaculation and helps to empty the urethra after urination.In case you have never done these ,here is how you perform them:during urination you stop the flow -more than once- if you seek to strengthen this muscle more quickly.
In that same 2005 study, three months of twice-daily sets of kegel exercises combined with biofeedback lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, and cutting back on sugar and alcohol..Don't beat yourself up if you are not able to do all of these things at once. Any reduction/healthy practices will be great!
4. Get Needled
The art of acupuncture has been used for everything from back pain, depression, and even of course , ED. In most cases acupuncture may help and is a great alternate option instead of medication in my opinion. Through this alternative , relatively painless therapy, needles are strategically and carefully placed in various parts of the body for pain relief or stress relief and is believed to promote an open flow of energy . Although there are many mixed studies for acupuncture and ED, many tend to confirm positive results. A 1999 study found acupuncture improved the quality of erection and even restored sexual activity in participants.
5. Take 'Herbal Viagra'?
Ginseng, specifically “red ginseng,” has been called “herbal Viagra” that helps puts to rest men’s bedroom woes. Red ginseng is when the root has been steamed and then dried. The ginseng root is the part of the plant that is mostly used as a natural remedy when in its supplement form.
In a 2008 review, seven studies on red ginseng and ED, ranging in dosages from 600 to 1,000 milligrams three times a day, were found to prove the effectiveness of the herb in ED treatment. There is a well written article to other natural supplements that I have personally witnessed as very effective! Of course I always recommend discussing with your doctor to be safe. http://goo.gl/3emvl5
And one other that was not covered in the above linked article...
6. Drink Watermelon Juice A cold slice of watermelon can do more than just satisfy thirst and hunger during the warm summer months; it can help with bedroom satisfaction. Citrulline, the amino acid found in high concentrations of watermelon, is found to directly improve blood flow to the penis. A 2011 study revealed men who suffered from mild to moderate ED and took L-citrulline supplementation showed an improvement with their erectile function and were very satisfied. Natural watermelon juice, can also be easier on the stomach, since a side effect of taking pills like Viagra can cause nausea and diarrhea.
So there you have it gents ! You are now hopefully armed with some knowledge and tools to improve your vitality and likely more fun in your life !
Now let's get those massages scheduled!!! Lustfully , MarinaA pic says it all! |