
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring Fever!!

Does anyone else have the fever and I'm not talking about the flu bug..I dodged many bugs this winter,woo..I'm instead talking about spring fever! I actually have been traveling this winter and it has helped to keep me sane...well that and a ridiculously mild winter,lol..I'm getting ready to head to Houston or should I mention Houston should get ready for me. (Delicious grin)
 It will be a welcome break from the Chicago winter,although I am not looking forward to the spiders there,yikes!! Anyway I digress...
 So I actually started writing this in early march.No plans to travel to what I'm sure is a very steamy Houston very soon~unless I am persuaded by a handsome cowboy,hmmm..
  And yes,I do hate to see our temps dip below 70 degrees again..especially since I am seriously contemplating purchasing a scooter. Weeee! Imagining myself riding with my skirt and high heels gives me a chuckle.I have ridden my bicycle that way,as I have been spotted by a couple of clients,so they know I am telling the truth.And yes,my skirt did ride all the way up nearly to waist height from the peddling motion,lol. After a while,I just gave up the losing battle of  tugging on the hem of the skirt and left it bound around my hips,lol. I'm sure a thrill was had by many of the pedestrians and traffic passerby'ers. Or not , depending on your tastes . Giggling.. So yes , I again want to experience the breeze blowing through my hair,gently refreshing me and exhilirating me at the same time . Kind of like a great session ;) ...Anyone fancy buying me a Vespa? :) XO Marina